Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs

"A direction the class needs..."
To be brutally honest, I feel that the class only needs to change one thing. Yes, one thing only, but it is a major thing: Inspiration.
It may sound weird and irrevelevant to a decent level, but the class truly needs inspiration. I say this because sometimes our class discussions are "shallow." We tend to state the obvious because it is right there and it is easy. Rarely do we ever make connections to our lives, or try to be in the place of whichever character that we are studying. We're all intelligent, but it is the time consuming things (like having inspiration) that makes our minds go far. I believe that everything we read about, hear about, or even write about should trigger a thought. Let it be a fresh idea, connection, or opinion, the material we come in contact with should act as a catalyst and our meaningful response is the reaction.


  1. Hm... Interesting point. I see where you're coming from. Good eye :D Or ear... Or whatever you want to call it.

  2. I love that you suggested that the class take a new direction in,*drum roll*Inspiration. I have not heard of this suggestion yet and I think this is exactly what our class need. :) After all it is American Literature.I know we can have more in depth discussions.

  3. I agree. We mostly discuss things on the surface. Never really getting into it. If you know what I mean. You are right. You are right.
    Good suggestion (:
