Friday, October 29, 2010

Interesting Tidbits

-     Followed  Calvinist theocracy (The belief that God has already chosen the ones that would go to Hell, and it cannot be helped).
-      16th – 17th century Puritan = did not believe in what “puritans” today believe in. They were very much like Protestant reformers.
-      Puritans today = People who has strict views on sexual morality, disapproves recreation, and wants people to think this way.
Puritans and Calvinists still exist today. They are part of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Puritans from the past influenced our society to carry on these beliefs, even if they are not as popular. We give Puritans a different definition today, but that is not how true puritans are.
-      Why the witch hysteria began: Politics, religion, family feuds, economics, and fear
Today, many quarrels happen because of these reasons. False ideas are shared to cover up political inconsistencies. Rumors are spread around because of family feuds and fear or some people. History tends to repeat itself in this case. 

-      Nathaniel’s family were Puritans
-      His father did a few cases on witchcraft in 1692
-      Nathaniel was ashamed his family took part in the non-sense. He added a “w” to his last name -à Hawthorne
Why the house is “haunted”
-      A young Nathaniel’s ghost is believed to be present at The House of Seven Gables
-      Reason: 1. Nathaniel lost his father at sea when he was only four years old. 2. Upon receiving this news, he was traumatized. The ghost spotted was a young boy.


  1. i like that you mentioned how the puritans are different from how they were before...i never knew that! :D

  2. Wow. Nathaniel changed his own name because he was ashamed of his family. Very interesting facts :]

  3. A ghost was reported to be at the House? I didn't know that. Nice facts Loren.

  4. wow this blog is very organized ;)
    but wow hey I didn't know Nathaniel lost his father at sea when he was only four years old. (And that's why there maybe a haunting ghost).
    Nice research~
