Sunday, November 7, 2010

Modern Slavery

Mental Slavery - "The inability to view events, or one's self, differently from commonly held beliefs."
Physical Slavery - To abuse one's labor

Oh, how this topic angers me. Whether it is mental or physical slavery, it is wrong. It is wrong even if the one being abused is willing to sacrifice. We live in the 21st century where many laws already exist to protect our rights and such. But that does not stop violence, abuse, and "slavery." Too often, I see modern day slavery. To me, it is nothing new, because I see or hear it almost at least once or twice a week.

It's a painful feeling that greets you when you see an elderly person be abused by their relative or anyone in general. That sense of guilt, of a feeling that's like, "I know this is wrong, but I can't help you because you will not listen to me." Seeing their fear and misery is worse than anything. They have worked hard all their lives to raise their kids and hope that they will survive well. After all of that, this is what they get? Do they deserve scoldings from their kids everyday? Foul language? Screams or even have objects thrown at them?

NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. No one deserves such treatment, and definitely not elderly people. Whenever I see people that mistreat elders, I want to swing something at their face so hard...haha, you don't even know...But I can't, because that's abuse too...and surely I refuse to believe that two wrong's make a right. There's so much that I want to say to the abusers. I want to shun them and tell them how stupid they are. I want to lock these monsters up. As of now, I'm still afraid to face these monsters. . .but I am planning my approach. This will end. 

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