Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Am Thankful For...

To be honest, I really appreciate this class. It's difficult to pick out ONE person from this class that I am thankful for because everyone in the class is friendly. We always have interesting discussions that opens my mind to a fresh idea. Everyone in the class are well mannered and they have self control (unlike some others at this school). The class is a comfortable place to be in because it's peaceful and "respected." I don't really want to point out the "only" one that I am thankful for. But, if I HAD to choose, it would be something like this:

I am thankful for Nina Posner! (: I love how we talk about random and funny things at 8AM in the morning almost 5 days a week. Her insightful thoughts and intelligent mind helps me understand the works of literature that we study in class. Nina's sense of humor and smile brightens my day, no matter how difficult the rest of the day may be. When presenting a certain book to the class and I am nervous, it's always comforting to see someone that welcomes you (Nina).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow. . .

I am a plow. Yes, I said a plow...Wait, hold on for a second. How in the world am I a plow? I look nothing like the picture to the left and I do not break up soil or rip weeds out of the ground.

Well I'm probably physically not a plow, but we do have some things in common. If you think about it, a plow's life is full of hard work. Loosening the hard soil after a winter's storm or pulling out the weeds that have been planted there for months is tough. In a way, my life can be just as difficult at some points. Overcoming emotional barriers is probably the closest that I can get to being like a plow, facing difficult "work."

I'm a plow because I am a follower (or I could be one when I want to). Very much like a plow, I do what I am told by my parents or instructors. The plow doesn't have a life of its own. The plow only knows to rip through the soil when whoever is in charge of it drives it in the fields. And as for me, the things that I do are guided by other adults. This doesn't mean that I don't have my own specific role or mind, it just means that as for now, it's "safer" and maybe better that I do as I'm told.

Haha, so yeah, live the life of a plow. (:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Modern Slavery

Mental Slavery - "The inability to view events, or one's self, differently from commonly held beliefs."
Physical Slavery - To abuse one's labor

Oh, how this topic angers me. Whether it is mental or physical slavery, it is wrong. It is wrong even if the one being abused is willing to sacrifice. We live in the 21st century where many laws already exist to protect our rights and such. But that does not stop violence, abuse, and "slavery." Too often, I see modern day slavery. To me, it is nothing new, because I see or hear it almost at least once or twice a week.

It's a painful feeling that greets you when you see an elderly person be abused by their relative or anyone in general. That sense of guilt, of a feeling that's like, "I know this is wrong, but I can't help you because you will not listen to me." Seeing their fear and misery is worse than anything. They have worked hard all their lives to raise their kids and hope that they will survive well. After all of that, this is what they get? Do they deserve scoldings from their kids everyday? Foul language? Screams or even have objects thrown at them?

NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. No one deserves such treatment, and definitely not elderly people. Whenever I see people that mistreat elders, I want to swing something at their face so hard...haha, you don't even know...But I can't, because that's abuse too...and surely I refuse to believe that two wrong's make a right. There's so much that I want to say to the abusers. I want to shun them and tell them how stupid they are. I want to lock these monsters up. As of now, I'm still afraid to face these monsters. . .but I am planning my approach. This will end. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs

"A direction the class needs..."
To be brutally honest, I feel that the class only needs to change one thing. Yes, one thing only, but it is a major thing: Inspiration.
It may sound weird and irrevelevant to a decent level, but the class truly needs inspiration. I say this because sometimes our class discussions are "shallow." We tend to state the obvious because it is right there and it is easy. Rarely do we ever make connections to our lives, or try to be in the place of whichever character that we are studying. We're all intelligent, but it is the time consuming things (like having inspiration) that makes our minds go far. I believe that everything we read about, hear about, or even write about should trigger a thought. Let it be a fresh idea, connection, or opinion, the material we come in contact with should act as a catalyst and our meaningful response is the reaction.