Thursday, December 9, 2010

Snowflake Battle: Remembering Mr. Snowman

Do you remember,
Remember, the times,
We shared through our fears?
Praying that we'd stay,
Together, always,
And forever,
We made a promise,
Promise to be here,
But you are long gone,
Your soul melted away,
As the misty air,
Sways, it reminds me,
Of you. How frail,
Have you become since,
Last Christmas. You are,
Incomplete, you are drowning,
Mr. Snowman, and,
Dying. Oh, please snow,
Snow so I can piece,
Your cold heart together.
Ha, you are gone, gone.
Forever is never.


  1. Is Mr. Snowman a metaphorical being?

  2. This is excellent. Love and winter all together. Beautiful. You are truly gifted

  3. Mauricio: Yes...Mr. Snowman is a metaphorical being. Mr. Snowman represents 2 people that I know and of course the snowman I made (:

    Gabby: Thank you!
