Saturday, December 4, 2010

Music Review

"Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy..."
You know Ke$ha? The blonde artist that people often refer to as "the stoned version of Taylor Swift?" Haha yeah, her, Ke$ha. She has some interesting songs...or more like lyrics. Without a doubt, her songs are catchy and the melody is upbeat and just puts you in a good mood. But if you ever pay attention to her lyrics, it definitely takes value away from the song. Her song "Tik Tok" was a big hit in the summer of 2010. As mentioned before, the melody is catchy....but the lyrics are extremely stupid and inappropriate for young children...even teens. 
"Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack. 'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back." 
O_o So, she sings about brushing her teeth with alcohol, partying hard, getting drunk, and hooking up with men like Mick Jagger. If this is "music," then I'm highly disappointed. The lyrics are supposed to be meaningful, not random things that you scribble on paper when you're drunk. Oh, but in this case, it's different for Ke$ha...she writes her songs when she's drunk at some club or party. Yeah, that explains why the lyrics about brushing your teeth with alcohol and falling for Mick Jagger came to be. For those of you who don't know, Mick Jagger is this celebrity that has issues with drugs, who divorced and married multiple times and has 4923857847189 kids...Okay, maybe not that many, but he has a few. 
It seems to me that the alcohol really got to someone...Ke$ha. It may not seem like a big deal because it's just a song. But think about it, this song is played on the radio...Anyone of any age can listen to it. Yeah, thanks for teaching people of all ages to party hard with alcohol and hook up with dirt bags...Because that's totally what our society needs. Way to go...Not. 


  1. A lot of music nowadays is like that. The lyrics are meaningless and the melody is... well, there is no melody.

  2. LOL! i agree....hehe, you're funny :D

  3. This music is made for thirteen year olds. Thirteen year olds are starting to feel a bit of rebellion. They need music to accompany their angst. Let's give them shock and awe rather than anything that would inspire actually progressive change in the world! The sad part about the process that produces Ke$ha's music is that it is adults who put it out, play it on the radio, promote it...all in the name of making money.
