Wednesday, September 29, 2010

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

After reading Act I of The Crucible and having a discussion in class, I see John Proctor as a hero (at least for now). Like Rebecca Nurse, John Proctor doesn't believe in the existence of witches and witchcraft. In his opinion, he does not support the idea of having another reverend to come and "search for spirits" and have girls confess to witchery. He sees that by doing so, it is the same as saying "There's witchcraft going on right in Reverend Parris' house." That would cause a lot of chaos, trouble for Parris, and a lot of un-needed confusion and attention would be created. With John Proctor trying to prevent people from believing that there is witchcraft helps save innocent lives, reduce corruptness, and keep Parris' current place in the town of Salem. Once the word gets out, all Hell will break loose. So, in a way, John Proctor is a hero by disagree with Parris and the Putnams. He may be going against what Parris wants to do just to irritate him, but it's kind of saving him and others from a lot of hassle that will happen in the near future.

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