Saturday, February 19, 2011

2011 Propagandas

In 2011, propaganda surrounds every individual on the planet. Turn on the T.V. and the world of business and politics flashes before one's eyes. Business and politics always uses propaganda to their benefit. The McDonald's logo: "I'm Lovin' It," and Dunkin Donut's: "America Runs On Dunkin'," in my opinion are examples of propaganda. I think that McDonald's and Dunkin Donut's logos are examples of propaganda because in reality, America does not really run on Dunkin. Point being, Americans can survive WITHOUT Dunkin Donut's and truth is, not everybody loves McDonald's (so, I'm not really "Lovin' It," but McDonald's tells me that I am...). In a way, these food corporations are falsely stating some people's opinions. The food corporations say these positive messages (using the words: "Love" or "Run") to show that they have the support of the people and that people rely on them. Honestly, we are probably better off without the large food corporations that produce unhealthy foods for half or most of the time.

Secondly, the 2011 mayor elections (dealing with politics) displayed a few propagandas on T.V. as well. If you have not caught one of the paid commercials from the people that are running for mayor, then you might not know what I am talking about. But, it is basically the bashing of certain individuals to make one candidate look better than the other one. By suppressing others and demonstrating the positivity of oneself, this is a propaganda. If you want to look at it simply, I really believe that every single advertisement or commercial is a propaganda. Welcome to a world of lies and propaganda.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Loren. This world is full of lies and commercials are also lies. That's life :(
