Saturday, January 22, 2011

On Being an American Journalist

In this article, it talks about journalists of America writing about wars and such. This may not seem like a big deal (because people would usually think: Oh, they're journalists...all they do is write.), but in reality, they put a lot at risk when they write about wars. Journalists go out to the battlefield to see for themselves what to write about. They risk their lives for us to know the truth.

Well, writing is not much easier than going out to hunt for the truth. When they are reconsidering the facts and writing, a decision has to be made. "Should I tell it as is?...Maybe I can leave out some truth..." Ahh, telling the truth...That's always difficult to do. Humans are known to lie naturally (-cough cough men cough cough- :] jk), it would be no surprise that journalists twist the truth. However, Loren Jenkins decides to stand against that and do what she believes is right. Even though it is not guaranteed that ALL journalists are like Jenkins, but for the ones that do, they are greatly respected for their work.

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